Read the article: D.E.C.I.D.E.: The Effective Decision Making Framework For Tough Choices.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> This is the Hustle Badger template for making hard decisions. Get more templates HERE. Make a copy and make it your own. **All text in italic is placeholder and should be deleted along with this box.


D.E.C.I.D.E. Template

The D.E.C.I.D.E. template is a useful tool for decision-making. It is an acronym that stands for:

This template is a heavy weight process which should only be used for important, irreversible, Type 1 decisions. Most decisions are NOT Type 1 decisions, but are rather reversible or relatively unimportant. For them you are better off using High Velocity Decision Making.

D - Define problem

A clear and precise definition of the problem we are trying to solve


How would you summarise the decision in a single sentence?


Who needs to be involved in the decision making process?

Role Person
Responsible Who is driving the decision making process? Can be one or more people.
Accountable The person who will ultimately take the decision. Should be a single individual.
Consulted Stakeholders that should have input into the feature. i.e. two-way dialogue
Informed Stakeholders that should be kept up to date, but who don’t need input into the feature. i.e. one-way dialogue


When will this decision be made by? Are there any reasons behind this deadline (e.g. time for testing, marketing, partnerships etc.)? If. so, share these as well to make it clear why the timeline is makes sense.