<aside> ❗ This is the Hustle Badger template for a Squad Overview. All text in italic is placeholder. You should put the name of the squad above, and also delete this box.


PM [The PM on the squad, first point of contact for stakeholders]
Tech Lead [Who is the Tech Lead on the squad]
Design [Who are the designers on this squad]
Engineers [Who are the engineers on this squad]
Stakeholders [Who are the squad’s key stakeholders; either individuals or other squads]


What we are trying to achieve. How this relates to overall product and company strategy. This should be a short, qualitative description.


The metric that we will use to measure our progress. This should be in the format: Move [metric] from [baseline] to [target] by [date]. Include time-based chart of how we are tracking towards this goal.


Key research insights and links to documents that shape our understanding of the problem space.


What we are planning to focus on, and why, to achieve our objective. Could be expressed through an opportunity solution tree.


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